viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Haesica's lovely selca!

I had been waiting for a long time to finally see another haesica selca and my wish was finally granted!!! It was an EPIC COMEBACK of my so called dead otp. They are not dead!!!

Hae posted this pic on his twitter on January 20th after SMA (Seoul Music Awards) and he wrote this:

우리 귀염둥이 동생 제시카! 어제 대상 축하해줘서 너무 고맙구 ^^ 오늘 드라마 첫촬영 축하해^^ 많은사랑부탁드릴께요  !

 “Our lovely sister Jessica! Thank you for congratulating us on winning the Daesang Award! Also, congratulations to you on your first drama shoot^^ please give us lots of love!”

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