viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

About Supergeneration...

The unofficial fanclub name is SUSHI (SUJU + SOSHI) also known as Sujugen too.

There are lots of Sujugen couples but the most popular ones have their one names for their fans. Some of the names of their fans' that I know are:

Donghae + Jessica (Haesica): Ice Fishies

Siwon + Yoona (Yoonwon): Yoonwoniteds

Kyuhyun + Seohyun (Seokyu): WiRes

Leeteuk + Taeyeon (Taeteuk): Adorkables

Sungmin + Sunny (Sunsun): Royal Subjects (i think?)

Eunhyuk + Hyoyeon (Hyohyuk): Eunhyoholics

Hankyung + Sooyoung (Sookyung): Gees (I think?)

Siwon + Tiffany (Sifany): Prophets

Siwon + Sooyoung (Soowon): Guardians

Donghae + Yoona (Yoonhae): Pyrotechnics

Kyuhyun + Sooyoung (Kyuyoung): Knights

Heechul + Jessica (Heesica): Aristocrats

I'm an Ice Fishy and a Yoonwonited! so expect me to blog a lot about Haesica and Yoonwon :D i also ship Hyukfany a lot, too bad they don't have a name for their fandom yet :(

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